Quote of the Week

"Love is a word that some entertain ... if you find it you have won the game" ~ Stevie Nicks

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just Because I Eat Moose Doesn't Mean I Like Sarah Palin

You know how every guy has his obsessive hobby right?  It can be football, baseball, working on cars, racing motorcycles - the list is endless.  But whatever it is, our guys are IN to it.  Well my husband's thing is hunting.  Not the kind of hunting where you put the trophy on the wall, the kind where you fill up the freezer.   And every few years he goes to Canada for moose hunting.  Before you judge let me tell you that moose meat is delicious.  It's low fat, it's tender, and best of all it's full of Omega 3s.  I just finished reading a book about disease in this country and how we're all fat and sick because we're not eating as our bodies are designed to.  Our ancestors did not eat corn fed beef with hormones and antibiotics.  This feeding process leaves the meat with little Omega 3 - a cornerstone to nutritional health.  Our ancestors ate wild game which is loaded with Omega 3s.  So that's one more reason to feel good about eating moose that was taken in a much more humane way that cattle are - and carefully processed at home. 

So what does any of this have to do with Sarah Palin?  This is a weight loss chronicle, not a political debate, but why is it that anytime we mention that we eat wild game people think we're conservative Republicans riding the Sarah Palin train?  No, no, no.  Wild game + hunting does not always equal Conservative.  Now that we've got that straight, back to the matter at hand.

So what does this have to do with Losing Weight with Rachael Ray?  Well last night we had the Hot Stuffed Meatball Subs from the October 2009 Everyday with Rachael Ray mag.  The absolute best meatballs ever are made with moose meat.  Tender, delicious, and not at all gamey, once you've had a meatball this way you'll never go back to beef.  We'll being true to my experiment, I did not use moose in Rachael's meatballs.  Rachael wouldn't use moose and the recipe certainly didn't suggest it as a substitution.  I should have listened to my instincts - while the meal was ok - the meatballs were harder and greasier than I like.  I am not thinking that meal contributed to my weight loss plan at all.  I am out to prove that you can eat delicious creative food (ala Rachael Ray) and lose weight too.  This recipe has no place in that plan.

Tomorrow's weigh in day - I've had some slip ups this week so I'm not too hopeful.  More on that tomorrow.....

Stuffed Hot Sausage Meatball Subs

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